

Good luck for this morning - hopefully everyone got the results they hoped for! 

Here's some info if you need a bit of advice about your results.

The ExamResults Helpline will open at 8am Tuesday to offer advice to pupils and parents in Scotland. Call 0808 100 8000.



Attention all H maths students!

Here's a great study opportunity! 

Log in to Scholar to attend the online H Maths session on Friday 2nd May.  Session starts at 1pm.

Enjoy :-)



Easter School 2014

As promised here's the programme for Easter school.


Nat 5 modern studies

Here are some resources to help you prepare for your Modern Studies exam. Enjoy :-)



Resources from the National Parent Forum

The National Parent Forum has put togther some fabulous revision materials.   Here are the links to the resources for the following subjects and levels:

Biology: N5
Business Management: N5
Chemistry: N5
Computing Science: N5
Design & Manufacture: N5
Geography: N5
Graphic Communication: N5
History: N5
Mathematics: N5
Modern Studies: N5
Physics: N5

Check out the links for some excellent study notes - these include links to specific question papers which have been highlighted by the SQA.




Please check the Education Scotland page for parents - there's lots of information and advice about supporting your child through their exams.

Click here.


More online resources...

If you study one of the following subjects...

then check the links for learning and click HSN.  ANother great bank of resources - and all FREE!


SCHOLAR - Study Resources

Looking for an online revision tool? 

If you study maths, biology, chemistry, physics, French, computing, business management then look no further - SCHOLAR is the site for you.  There are a variety of resources, including tests with immediate feedback, and an online expert if you have any questions, and all of which you can do in the comfort of your own home.

Materials exisit for Intermediate 1 maths and for all others at Intermediate 2, Higher and Advanced Higher, and the National 5 resources are growing daily.

Just ask your maths or science teacher for your log on details and click the 'link for learning' at the side of the blog.

Enjoy :-)



Library Resources

Need help? Need a place to study? Can't find past papers?

Get yourself along to the library! Here's 3 reasons why...

1. The library has a wide range of past papers and revision guides which pupils can borrow for 2 weeks at a time.

2. The library is open at the following times for anyone who wishes to study there:

 Monday (alternate) 8.30am-4.10pm
Tuesday- 8.30am-4.10pm
Wednesday- Closed
Thursday- 8.30am-4.10pm
Friday- 8.30am-3.25pm

3. S6 pupils can also use it for revision during their free periods.



Follow us!

Follow us on twitter and any updates will be flagged up as soon as they're posted.  Got the S5/6 prelim timetable already?  If not, check the labels on the right.

Happy revising :-)


More study apps!

Following on from S5 study tips, here's a little app I found which allows you to create your own mindmaps - you can then share with friends and expand and discuss!  All to help consolidate YOUR own learning. 

Check it out here....



S5 study tips

Following discussions with some S5 pupils, here are some suggestions or tips they thought might be useful:

  • use apps on your smart phone to help you revise, eg quizlet, flashcardlet
  • create your own study notebooks - make summaries of your class notes for regular revision
  • make mindmaps for 'at a glance' revision at the end of each topic
  • highlight notes so the relevant points stand out
  • use youtube videos to see experiments etc online
  • use websites flagged up by staff, eg chemweb, hsn, sparknotes, etc
  • use resources on SQA website, eg past papers and study planners
 Please leave a comment if you want to rate one of their suggestions or if you have a tip you'd like to add to the list!




Prelim paperwork issued to pupils

Please find attached copies of the following information for download if required:

1.  S4 parental prelim letter  download

2.  S5/6 parental prelim letter  download

3.  code of conduct for SQA examinations   download


Here's a copy of the prelim timetable for you to download - and don't say we're not good to you!

S4 prelim timetable 2013/4

S5/6 prelim timetable

Don't forget that you can also download revision planners from the exam blog - enjoy!



You CAN do it!

An ongoing theme in the Senior School is mindset.  We revisit this throughout as having the right mindset is essential for turning failure into success.

Here's a link to the powerpoint that we've used to get this message across to pupils preparing for exams: achieving success

And remember, you CAN do it, just take a bit of time to think about how!




Learn on the go...

Have you all seen this FAB resource??  You can check it out at www.quizlet.com where you'll find loads more examples!

And... you can even download an app for your iphone!! Woo hoo!!

Here's a couple of samples for you to try:

1.  French


2.  Chemistry

3.  English

Enjoy!  :-)



Higher & A Higher Resources

Here's a link to a website offering FREE revision materials for lots of different subjects - have a swatch!
